I’m an outdoor person

When people ask me what it is that I like to do in my spare time I usually respond that I like being outdoors, no matter what that entails.

I am ecstatic if I can go out on any kind of hike, walk, or photography session.

I love having picnics as well as simply sitting in nature. I really find the trees, birds, and smell of dirt to be calming and soothing. The next question they always ask is my penchant for camping, but to be honest, I dislike camping, and when I was younger I remember going on the most horrible camping trip you could ever imagine. It was the dead of Summer and the outdoor air temperature was seriously hot. It had been absurdly humid for many weeks already, we were living at the mercy of our indoor air temperature control unit and large central cooling system. Without the air conditioning system, even the indoor air was stagnant and oppressively hot. When all of us chose to go out camping, the air temperature was no better. In fact, it felt more hot and humid outside because there was no refreshing breeze that afternoon. As such, we were wearing light tank tops as well as shorts. Just as all of us settled down for the night it began to downpour. The air temperature swiftly shifted and rapidly the temperature dropped 20°. We did not have any supplies prepared for this ice-cold night. After all of us were drenched in sweat as well as rain, we froze all night long without a single source of heat or dry wood for a fire. I will definitely never camp again.

air purifier