We offer Leadership workshops to help up-to-date managers

Are you a young manager or company supervisor? Do you have men in addition to women almost twice your age that are working under you? How do you maintain any sort of authority when you get consistently undercut based on your age? I was in a similar situation for a few years myself(until I too got the gray hairs on our head)… It can be challenging to be an emerging leader when you get undercut at every turn. Here, with our company development services, the two of us maintain a variety of company coaching programs to help emerging leaders find their balance in addition to be bold in asserting their ideas to any group. Specifically, our leadership development programs will help to guide you through the process of being a figure of authority without being a much more authoritarian figure. You don’t want to come across as rude and, more than likely, you’re not naturally a bossy or rude person. It can be strenuous when people are consistently pushing your buttons or altogether ignoring you, though. In our leadership development programs, the two of us will tackle these kinds of concerns in addition to how best to diffuse them while still continuing to be a productive member of the team. If you’re an emerging leader, or if you run any company where you’ve seen the concerns that come along with hiring emerging leaders, then you should go to our page about leadership development programs to see how the two of us will help your company take care of business. Both of us have a 24/7 scheduling team, so any time that you assume that your business- or you personally- require some leadership development training or perspective, provide us a call in addition to get some training sessions scheduled. I promise, you won’t regret it!

Business Development