Business closes due to lack of air conditioning

There used to be a popular supermarket right next to me.

It was definitely popular because they handed out a whole bunch of coupons, & people wanting to save a lot of cash were attracted to that supermarket like flies to honey.

Anyways, I visit every so often, & a few months ago when I visited I was hit in the face with a immense gust of hot breeze, not the cooling breeze I was so used to. I was definitely surprised & figured their air conditioning machine was down. I asked an employee & he told me that his boss had no plans on fixing the air conditioning system system, since it would be a waste of cash. It was unbearable being in that store for more than 10 minutes, so I ended up leaving early. I started going to another supermarket a little further away, & I assume other people did the same thing as this supermarket I’m not going to was now definitely popular. I noticed that the once popular supermarket had a going out of corporation sign, however my assume is that they were still getting a few desperate-to-save-cash people coming to their store, however almost everyone honestly would rather spend a few more bucks than deal with constant overbearing heat, & I don’t blame them. I sometimes assume about the owner & wonder if they still assume that getting the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system fixed is still a waste of cash. I still go to the other supermarket with close to perfect air conditioning, & they are still definitely popular.

Cooling install