Working at home during the pandemic

How are you holding up during the weirdness of this pandemic? Here in my little city, I am doing okay.

I don’t want to complain, however.

I do still have a job plus, I am still getting paid because I am finally working from home like I always wanted. I am honestly grateful as I know that there are tons of other people who have lost their jobs or been laid off as a result of the shutdowns! One thing that has actually cost me a little bit more money is the way that we’ve been running the air conditioner all afternoon while I do my job from home. And then there is a plus side to it, too. That’s the fact that I get to set the temperature control right where I want it to be. So I’m totally comfortable all afternoon, but at the office, the HVAC is so erratic. It never seems to do its job the right way. I am always cold, even during the Summer months, when I’m at work and I don’t like it. I always have to leave a sweater on my chair to avoid being too cold from the air conditioning, and I really find that so irritating. There is also another plus side to using the air conditioning at home, too. The utilities department in our neighborhood has decided to give everyone almost 30% off their electric bill this month. This is simply designed to be a helpful relief effort for those folks who are struggling during the pandemic. I am not really struggling as much as other folks are. I think that my cooling bill is much higher than I’m used to, so a discount is appreciated! Air conditioning at a discount can be great.


air filter