We are putting a cooling system in the barn for the horses

Horses are such amazing animals, and of course no ranch or farm would be complete without a good horse… There are horses used for all kinds of things on a farm, however occasionally, horses can be too fragile.

I have learned that horses usually fare better in cooler weather.

Since I live in the south, I bought a horse who had lived farther north. Now, I always worry a little about our horses during these sizzling hot summer season months. I really don’t want our horse to get heat exhaustion! Because of that, I have decided that we need to add a cooling machine to the horse stall. The barn already has a fan in it. But I am afraid that just won’t be good enough come July and August. I guess I am going to get a portable a/c system to install in the barn. One option is something called an evaporative cooling machine, and an Evaporative cooling machine works like a whole home a/c. The cooling machine pulls in sizzling hot air, and then the hot air is pushed over wet pads plus it’s cooled before being recirculated. I have electricity in the barn, and that’s all I need for the portable a/c unit. I also guess that the humidity levels will be better regulated out there, and the dehumidifier will help the horse regulate its own internal temperature. That way, he doesn’t get hot. Some people may think that it’s too expensive to have an a/c out in the horse stall. But our horse is a member of our family, and I count on him to help me around the farm. I have to take good care of his health!

Rooftop HVAC