A tornado came really close to hitting us

We just went through a very devastating experience, but we were lucky.

There were severe wind and tornado warnings in our area during this really bad storm.

I was thinking that we were going to be okay because I was prepared. I was actually really scared when the winds started getting out of control and then the power went out. One thing that I forgot was to fill up the backup generator that I had for emergency situations like this. Without the power, it was becoming overwhelmingly uncomfortable because the A/C was not working and the air quality was becoming bad. So I rushed to get some fuel to fill up the backup generator even though my wife yelled at me to forget about it. The wind was picking up and it was a struggle to fill up that generator, but I got it working and then the A/C kicked back on in our home. When I got back with my family, I yelled at everybody to get under the stairs in the basement and keep far away from all the windows. I should have boarded up the windows, but luckily none of them broke even though the winds were so intense. There was a tornado that came very close to us and there was so much damage and devastation all around the area. The power was still out for many people, but we still had a working generator with plenty of fuel. I actually invited some neighbors and friends to come over so they could enjoy our A/C for a little while. I hope we never have to go through this type of experience again in the future.
indoor air quality