I Was Lucky Enough to Find an Old Ring Under Some Carpeting

Cleaning and replacing carpet is a task that I have done for my whole adult life.

  • I got the task right after I finished high school.

I learned how to clean and update carpet truly hastily and now I am the head of a carpet cleaning team. I make a fantastic living, because I task truly hard every day. I get a part of the total sale, so the harder I task the more currency I make. I try to hustle as much as I can! During the summer, I usually earn $200 every single day. Some days I make a bit more, but I hardly ever make less. Last Summer, I was sent to a condo to install brand new carpet and tile. I had nothing else on the calendar, so I took my time with the task. I removed all of the disgusting old carpet and padding first. In the corner of the home office, I noticed a shiny metal object there under the carpet. I instantly thought it was a nickel, dime, or quarter. I was shocked and surprised when I saw it was jewelry. It seemed truly aged and authentic. I put the ring in my pocket and totally forgot about it until the other day. I saw the ring sitting there in a bowl on my dresser alongside my keys, and I decided to take it somewhere to see if it was worth anything. I did not recognize if the ring would be worth nothing or a lot. There is a jewelry shop in my village, and I thought they could help me. When they told me that the ring was 200 years old, I almost fainted. They offered me $1000 for it.


business cleaning service