My hubby accidently broke our air conditioning system

We had to get the air conditioning systems out early this year.

It got warmer faster this year than it usually does.

We don’t usually get the air conditioning systems out until May, however this year, the people I was with and I had to get them out towards the end of March. It was around seventy-more than four degrees outside during the first week of April, then for some people, seventy-more than four degrees is the perfect temperature, however for our hubby plus I, seventy-more than four degrees is air conditioning system weather. My hubby accidentally broke a single of our air conditioning systems while getting it out of storage this year. We keep both of our air conditioning systems in the attic during the Winter time months so that they aren’t in the way. My hubby carried a single of the air conditioning systems down plus installed it in the kitchen window. He went to get the minute air conditioning system, plus all I heard was a bunch of banging plus a loud crash. I thought that our hubby had fallen down the stairs, so I rushed to see, although he had just dropped the air conditioning system down the stairs. I was happy to see that he was okay, although I was upset to see that the air conditioning system that the people I was with and I usually put in our kitchen was broken. We tried plugging in the air conditioning system that had fallen plus turning it on, however nothing happened. The air conditioning system was broken. We were both upset about the air conditioning system, however the people I was with and I are thankful that no a single was hurt. I would rather have to spend money for a new air conditioning system than have to spend money a hospital bill.

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