It’s hard to control the noise coming in my windows from my noisy AC condenser

Ever since I started working nights and sleeping during daylight hours, I have become increasingly more sensitive to loud noises.

It doesn’t help that I live in a small, single story condominium complex where there are people loudly coming and going all day long.

Very few people here would even care if they actually knew I worked the graveyard shift. Although, I’ll give my nextdoor neighbor credit, he tries to be as considerate as he possibly can, even though I remind him not to stress too much about it. I live in a large tourist city, so what bothers me more than literally anything else regarding noise are the people who come in town on vacation. They get absolutely wasted drunk, and proceed to make as much noise as a human being could ever conceivably make. It’s not fun to wake up to hearing a group of 70-year-olds cackling outside your window at 2pm after drinking since the morning hours. Another source of constant noise is my HVAC condenser unit. This part of my heating and cooling system lives outdoors, and it just so happens that the device is located on the wall that my bedroom shares. This means that I hear the condenser almost every time it kicks on while I’m home. I bought sound dampening curtains, but they have only filtered out the noise a slight bit. Unfortunately, since these heating and cooling systems are owned and maintained by the property manager, there is little I can do to fix the problem. I just wish I could get a day job for a change and maybe I could get back to a normal sleeping schedule again.

Air conditioning worker