A hybrid gas furnace would be great-but out of the budget

My wife is on myself and others that our next Heating plus Air Conditioning unit should be a hybrid system. Both of us live in the north plus being efficient with Heating plus Air Conditioning is not particularly possible. The most efficient Heating plus Air Conditioning component would be a heat pump system. This many for 1 system uses existing heat energy in the air quality rather than creates it. For heating, the energy is pumped from outside to inside the home. To create a cooling effect, the heat energy is pushed to the outdoor unit. The air quality is fresh plus clean. The weekly bills are super low. The problem is that you need heat energy for it to work. In the north all of us get un-even temperatures in the negative twenties. Even burying the heat pump underground plus having it be geothermal would not work. It simply would not be able to heat to the level all of us need. My wife is on myself and others that all of us need to be more efficient though. She wants to combine a heat pump with a gas gas furnace, making it a hybrid gas furnace. The oil furnace would automatically change from electric to gas based on temperature. Basically whenever possible, our system would try to use the heat pump function to save energy. When super freezing days roll in, the gas gas furnace would be used. I agree, having an energy efficient heating occasion would be great. But, a heat pump alone is super costly, but a gas gas furnace is pricy. A hybrid system is a little unusual than buying the many separately. But, the cost of it is obscene. I can’t particularly justify purchasing the is kind of system.



Heating and air conditioning system