Waiting for the snow to finish

About a month ago, every one of us had our first real snow of the season.

It was so chilly outside that all every one of us could do was rest inside in addition to watch it snow.

I didn’t even want to open the door to get the mail. The wind was howling, before the snow was over there was almost two feet of snow on the ground. I sat there studying a book when I realized my oil furnace hadn’t turned on lately. I had a blanket wrapped around my feet, even though I was still cold. I checked the control unit in addition to the temperature had dropped to sixty. I checked to make sure I wasn’t having a problem with the control unit in addition to I wanted to make sure the breaker hadn’t flipped. When both seemed to be fine, I called the HVAC business. They told me that no 1 could be to the lake house for at least a week. They were expecting another giant storm that night in addition to they had all kinds of emergencies ahead of me. I had him put me on the list in addition to I put on my coat, boots in addition to gloves. I had to head down to the wood; shed in addition to get enough wood to keep my wood burning stove running for the next week. I often wished the wood burner were a fireplace because I would get so much more heating, but as long as I stayed snuggled in the study room, I knew I would be safe. I stuck a couple of space heating systems around the lake house to make sure my pipes didn’t freeze. I then snuggled in by my wood stove in addition to blankets while waiting for the HVAC business.
Steam boiler