Building my dream office at my residence

I finally finished the project that I have been working on for roughly a month.

I was building an office in my residence. I don’t know many people that are fortunate enough to be allowed to do their work from home, although I am one of those chosen people. Seriously, having the privacy plus privilege to do work from your own residence is awesome, but my favorite thing about having a nice office is that I can control the temperature control unit. My boss has a strange preference for the temperature control settings. During the Summer, he doesn’t want anyone to be nice and toasty, so he turns on the air conditioning machine plus allows it to run the entire Summer. The only concern is that he lets the air conditioning machine run at the highest setting for the entire time. The air conditioning system never turns off, plus it made my office area frosty. I would have to bundle up just to find relief from the overwhelming cold. However, in the Wintertime, the office is basically the opposite. He uses the furnace to make our office section feel exactly like a sauna… When I was told that I could begin working from my own residence, all I could imagine was being able to set my own temperature control unit. I had to build my office in the basement, plus I didn’t have any Heating plus A/C machines down there. Although the temperatures stayed around 60 degrees, I wasn’t convinced that it would be sizzling enough for me. I called a Heating plus A/C machine worker, plus he told me that he thought a ductless mini-split air conditioning machine would be the best for me. This Heating plus A/C machine required minimum maintenance, plus it would supply both heat plus a/c in a single package.


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