Visiting Adult Daughter Wastes My Money and A/C

I have one child, but she is no longer a child.

She is a full-fledged adult, and, in fact, she is 29 years old.

She has owned her own house for seven years, but she is now planning a move to another part of the state. She has sold her home, but the purchasers wanted to move in before the closing, so she had to move out. She is at my house. It is a big adjustment because neither of us has had to live with each other in ten years. The biggest thing that bugs me is that she wastes my my money by constantly running the a/c. I regularly set the thermostat for 78 when I am leaving, and when I get home at night, I set the thermostat back down to 75. That is not cool enough for her. She insists on having the a/c thermostat set at 70 degrees! She likes to sleep under a big comforter and in order to do so she needs the a/c running at that rather chilly temperature. Well, that costs a lot of money. To be truthful, I kind of enjoy sleeping with the lower thermostat setting to, but I don’t because I just can’t afford those high utility bills. I don’t like to waste money or a/c. Plus, she does a lot of work from home, so often the thermostat is set really low all day long, not just at night. I love my daughter, obviously, but I am looking forward to having my little space to myself again soon.


Air conditioner tune-up