My supermarket job versus my dad’s Heating, Ventilation, & A/C business

In the supermarket, there are many venues to be assigned to.

  • And while I toil in most of the departments, the 1 I get most commonly is the freezer department; Mainly because no 1 wants to toil in that department.

I generally like to toil in this department, even with the cold. I just usually bring a jacket. Another job of mine is to arrange & organize the different frozen foods in different section, mostly just basic jobs. My dad’s job is much more interesting, he works as a Heating, Ventilation, & A/C professional & owns his own Heating, Ventilation, & A/C business. I am quite proud of how far he’s come, he came from a poverty-stricken venue, but managed to get past that & own a successful business, & I think that his job will stay in supplier for a long time, since air conditioning & heating systems are in high demand. I wish I had a job like his, his job was actually cool & not boring. But he continually understands my struggle, & tells myself and others that I will just need to toil my way up. I sure hope so, because I don’t want to be laboring in a store forever. When I was finally assigned away from the freezer department, my next job was actually similar to my dad’s, almost as if giving myself and others a taste of a potential future. My job was to sort a/c & oil furnace filters; Putting my best foot forward, I tried putting them in the best order, even if I already knew that my strenuous effort will go unobserved, & someone will definitely mess it up, but still. I wanted to try hard, as my father did & he went far.

Heating dealership