Signing up with personal trainer to get in shape for wedding

When my boyfriend and I first got engaged, we decided to take a full year to plan our wedding.

During that time, we also hoped to lose some weight and get in better physical shape.

We wanted to look our best for both our wedding and honeymoon. We hoped to start our lives together feeling more confident, stronger and healthier. Todd and I started with a plan to cut back on our meals and run together every evening. When that wasn’t successful, we joined a local gym. Because we weren’t familiar with the proper way to use the equipment, both Todd and I ended up with injuries. We were quite discouraged by the time a friend of ours recommended a personal trainer. When I looked into this option, I was surprised to find a local personal trainer who offered an affordable program for couples. The trainer was absolutely wonderful. He first sat down with Todd and I and simply discussed our goals and concerns. We then developed a fitness strategy and a meal plan. The meal plan was something we could comfortably live with. The fitness strategy included meeting with the personal trainer twice per week and also working on our own. Our personal trainer combined a regiment of stretching, weight lifting and aerobic exercise. By tracking our weight and BMI, he held us accountable. He also kept us motivated by continually introducing new exercises and goals to achieve. By the time of the wedding, Todd and I had lost the weight and felt great. Once we returned from our honeymoon, we continued our sessions with the personal trainer.

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