My furnace makes me so frustrated

After a long time, the furnace just started working normally again

My furnace is the worst furnace that I have ever used. I don’t remember the furnaces in the houses that I was in growing up ever stop working. We never called the HVAC technician to fix our furnace, and whenever they started acting funny, my dad was always able to do something simple to make the furnace work again. However, after I moved into this house, my furnace began acting funny. Sometimes during the middle of the night, my furnace will stop blowing cold air. I will check the thermostat, and it is very cold in our house. I tried turning the furnace off and back on again, and that seemed to work. Other times when I tried to turn the furnace off and back on, nothing would happen. Then, after a few hours, the furnace would start working again, and I wouldn’t have to worry about the furnace for a while. However, without fail, we would always start to have problems with the furnace again. One time, while the furnace running, the unit started making a loud squealing noise. It sounded like the furnace was shouting in pain from running. After a long time, the furnace just started working normally again. I am trying to save money now to purchase a new heating system from the HVAC company in our town. I just know that my furnace is eventually not going to work anymore, and I want to be able to purchase a new furnace before that happens. If I can get the new one installed soon, then I can be sure that I will always have heat.



Heating service