Be Sure to Leave it to the HVAC Professionals

I know there are many of us who reach for the phone first when there is a problem or something needs to be fixed around the house.

I get it.

We are all very busy and have lots of things to do. Throw in work and kids and we’re lucky to get a second to catch our collective breaths. I still attempt to bring what little handy man skills to the things I can actually work on. My dad raised me to at least explore a needed repair before calling for someone else to come fix it. This has been excellent advice and words to live by. Until they weren’t. I learned a very hard lessen that some things should be left strictly to the professionals. Our heat pump was struggling not too very long ago. The weather wasn’t all that hot but the HVAC unit just couldn’t keep up. It just ran and ran. I noted there was not a whole lot of cool air coming from the vents. Looking on the internet, I came to the conclusion that this was a result of a lack of refrigerant. Easy fix right? How hard could it be. All I had to do was order a recharge kit and watch a dang video and I was good to go. Or at least so I thought. Well, I attempted to recharge the refrigerant just like I saw in the video. However, I overfilled it and cracked an important part in the condenser unit. Not only am I now going to pay for a service call but the repair will be costly. I will leave all the HVAC stuff to the pros in the future.

HVAC technology

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